Cornyn is bullshitting in that post. He voted against six of Biden's 23 cabinet nominees.

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The speed of all of these changes is very alarming! Trump/musk want to rid all the branches of govt except the executive branch. The cowards in congress are disgusting. There is a simple remedy, but no one wants to even entertain the idea. It’s called a revolution. My hope is that some of our past and current leaders are working behind the scenes to make this happen… getting their ducks in a row. 😉

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That was great Mike, and I could feel your pain. It’s why the ‘Unitary Executive’ concept, or whatever it is they’re calling it now to justify their current attacks and litigation against our Constitutional Democratic Republic is - and has always been - bullshit. And everywhere I turn, I keep getting smacked in the face with ‘it only took 53 days for Hitler to turn Germany into a dictatorship’ after being legally elected. I saw it in tRump 1.0 - that the Republicans had always wanted this, but were playing the long game because ultimately they’re cowards and didn’t really know how to make it happen - but they did recognize tRump was their catalyst - if they could just find a way to get him ‘elected’. That’s why they chose to acquit and follow him. Still, I was sure he’d end up in prison and I never thought America would ever give him another shot at the WH!

There’s so much more I’d love to talk with you about and I wish we could hang out talking politics for hours on end, but obviously, that is not to be. So, based on your discussion of the Roman Empire, I’ll just end with a book recommendation, if you haven’t read it already. It can’t really help us now, but I think it seems almost written for you. I first read it when it was published in 2004, during the Dubya days, and I was screaming ‘Fascism’ even back then! It taught me a lot of American history and that of previous empires, and made me fear that this day might actually come. Look it up, I think you’ll dig it:

American Theocracy

The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century –Kevin Phillips

Good night, and good luck… 😉

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When the Constitution was written the only practical examples were European monarchies, especially the British Isles. The British Monarchy became the template for the President, with obvious safeguards. It is ironic that over the ensuing 250 years the United Kingdom has stripped the monarchy of all practical power Whereas in the USA the centre of power has drifted to the Executive powers of the President.

The USA needs to rewrite its constitution to catch up with modern political theories of governance. Chances of that occurring near impossible.

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Congress has been dead for years. Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi kept the corpse on life support but now the plug has been pulled

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Congress has been dead for years. Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi kept the corpse on life support but now the plug has been pulled

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It is a sad day.

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Feb 5
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complaint registered.

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