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Kumbaya everybody🔥

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That’s a very uplifting message.

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Thank you for this moving, heartfelt essay. I agree with you absolutely! My only concern is that it's preaching to the converted. Reaching the hard core Trump supporters, and those who remain indifferent, will take a lot of patience at the least. It's also happening in Europe with the rise of far-right parties who all scapegoat immigrants. Somehow, we have to move forward together. As you say, it's a hard road ahead!

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Wow, this was so beautiful and well written! And sounds a little more hopeful than some of your pieces of the last few weeks, although I thought they were full of truth as well and warning.

But this states it’s so plainly I don’t mean to be hyperbolic, but this could stand alongside a Gettysburg address for this age or something like that. It’s really good and very resident with my beliefs. Thank you for what you do.

I had never even heard of you before these times and I’m grateful you are writing

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thank you! The one thing I fear is as time moves on and the generations shift is that the ones who remember how it was will die away and the younger ones don't know how to sing Kumbaya.

Sorry to burst the good feeling of this message

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Thank you, Mike. I certainly appreciate the encouragement. It's inspiring to be reminded so eloquently of the essential work that needs to be done. ❤️

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