“Today in all too many communities a sort of quasi-liberalism prevails, so bent on seeing all sides that it fails to become dedicated to any side. It is so objectively analytical that it is not subjectively committed. I am not calling for an end to sympathetic understanding and abiding patience; but neither sympathy nor patience should be used as excuses for indecisiveness. They must be guiding principles for all of our actions, rather than substitutes for action itself.”
• “Noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good.” (MLK)
In Norway, we still have a (reasonably) functioning national mass media channel that reaches a wide cross-section of the population. It strives to maintain neutrality, but their commitment to "politeness" in reporting - ensuring every viewpoint is given a fair platform - occasionally ends up amplifying alt-right actors by treating all statements as equally valid, regardless of whether they are made in good faith or not.
This pattern usually unfolds as follows:
- A progressive politician proposes action to address an urgent democratic issue.
- An alt-right pundit is then given the opportunity to present their side the issue. This usually consists of a verifiable lie, but they still tend to win over the public opinion by default, because theirs is the closing argument.
Giving ‘equal time’ to ‘both sides’ of an argument has been going on for a very long time, on liberal media all across the world. For example, it’s been a hallmark of the supposed ‘debate’ about Anthropogenic Global Warming, as the consensus of Actual Climate Scientists has approached 99.something %, where the unqualified professional contrarian is put in a “debate” with an Actual Climate Scientist for a few minutes on a tv news segment, leaving a million viewers thinking truth lies somewhere inbetween.
Totally agree, which is only further aggravated by the WHOPPING 7 minute segment devoted to the matter.
Our television news outlets have 24 hours a day to provide thoroughly researched topics, lengthy discussions with experts on issues that are relevant to our lives and the world at large. Their choice not to is nothing short of a national disgrace.
This is one of the problems of the modern world. It might have made sense when it started though. I suppose there was a time when you had to actually know something to be interviewed for radio or television about it. But now you just need an "opinion".
This is of course not as big a problem as mogul owned mass media channels that are actually just entertainment/propaganda masquerading as news - Fox-News probably being the most well known example - but it needs adjusting none the less.
Ah, don't worry about it. The world's full of assholes, and you don't actually strike me as one. Pointing out the truth is going to piss people off, they're going to say stupid, annoying shit, and you're just going to have to ignore it. When you shine a light on cockroaches, you're going to see a lot of cockroaches. I just made that up. I don't know if it actually makes sense, but I like the sound of it. Good luck.
Praxis is welcome news! Your have a great mind and platform - it is heartening that you hear the call to action. While 'asshole' may be somewhat apropos, I also think the term is overly vague. My takeaway from your writing is: respect should be earned, not freely given, and likewise engaging in good faith is only effective when it's symmetrical. Combine that with the fierce determination to stand up for what is right (damn the torpedos!) sounds much closer to a warrior or fighter. So fight on and please keep recruiting others into the cognitive resistance. ❤️
I am reminded that the father of Gestalt Psychotherapy, Fritz Perls, as he was honing his craft at the Esalen Institute, would invite members from the community to sit in an outer ring. Esalen was in Big Sur, CA, a fairly conservative area, so that Esalen would invite members of the community to witness what was happening there. Fritz was one of the first therapists to routinely use the word, "fuck" during therapy. At one particular session, an elderly lady in the outer ring would titter, every time he uttered that word. Fritz tried to ignore her, but finally gave up, saying in his deep baritone voice, "Just what is it with you, Madame?" She tittered some more and said, "Oh... I am just not used to hearing such words." Fritz sighed and said, "Forgive me madame, - for not calling a spade a 'garden implement.'"
Your writing is oxygen in the middle of a fire storm that is consuming all the air we have to breath. Your voice is one that gathers energy to it. We the people can do this, but such rallying points are energizing and supportive of our work. Keep up the god work.
Is it time for acts of civil disobedience? Sit ins, strikes, blockades, etc.? I certainly think so. It's hard to be patient when I see America being dismantled and sold for parts by the minute, literally.
You mean, like, it would be bad if people were to, say, go to a particular department of education website called the "End DEI Portal" -- that was created in order to report examples of "divisive ideologies and indoctrination" in public schools so that the DOE can follow up and investigate -- and flood it with thousands of bogus reports so that the tool becomes effectively useless for its intended purpose? Like, we shouldn't do things like THAT, should we?
I feel like protesting, but how soon will the cops be instructed to turn on protesters with rubber bullets, water cannons and truncheons, and haul us off to prison?
I am totally in alignment with your logic. I have become this myself after a lifetime civility and compassion. Harsher times call for harsher action and language.
Last night when a member of the Democratic Central Committee of a nearby county had cut me off with "put it writing," I answered him with "fuck off," having driven an hour through the mountains to teach politics to this Very Important Person.
I am pleased to have my answer as consistent with an iterated Prisoners Dilemma. Restacking!
Circumstantial realities force me to agree with you and start googling for my nearest gun store. Now's the time we're gonna need an aggressive alternative to polite discourse. It's fucking over.
Thank you for this article. We are kindred spirits. I often tell people who threaten me when I stand up to them (and, I have, more than once, risked my safety and had my life threatened for doing so), "Life's a bitch, and then there's me." I'm content with being difficult when freedom, safety, and other's well-being are on the line. All of the above and more are on the line with the hostile takeover of our Democracy. We are not called to be nice to tyrants when we are called to be warriors against their tyranny and oppression.
“Today in all too many communities a sort of quasi-liberalism prevails, so bent on seeing all sides that it fails to become dedicated to any side. It is so objectively analytical that it is not subjectively committed. I am not calling for an end to sympathetic understanding and abiding patience; but neither sympathy nor patience should be used as excuses for indecisiveness. They must be guiding principles for all of our actions, rather than substitutes for action itself.”
• “Noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good.” (MLK)
In Norway, we still have a (reasonably) functioning national mass media channel that reaches a wide cross-section of the population. It strives to maintain neutrality, but their commitment to "politeness" in reporting - ensuring every viewpoint is given a fair platform - occasionally ends up amplifying alt-right actors by treating all statements as equally valid, regardless of whether they are made in good faith or not.
This pattern usually unfolds as follows:
- A progressive politician proposes action to address an urgent democratic issue.
- An alt-right pundit is then given the opportunity to present their side the issue. This usually consists of a verifiable lie, but they still tend to win over the public opinion by default, because theirs is the closing argument.
There seems no way to defend against lies and propaganda. “A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.” (Paul Simon, The Boxer)
That channel...is it called CNN?
Giving ‘equal time’ to ‘both sides’ of an argument has been going on for a very long time, on liberal media all across the world. For example, it’s been a hallmark of the supposed ‘debate’ about Anthropogenic Global Warming, as the consensus of Actual Climate Scientists has approached 99.something %, where the unqualified professional contrarian is put in a “debate” with an Actual Climate Scientist for a few minutes on a tv news segment, leaving a million viewers thinking truth lies somewhere inbetween.
Totally agree, which is only further aggravated by the WHOPPING 7 minute segment devoted to the matter.
Our television news outlets have 24 hours a day to provide thoroughly researched topics, lengthy discussions with experts on issues that are relevant to our lives and the world at large. Their choice not to is nothing short of a national disgrace.
This is one of the problems of the modern world. It might have made sense when it started though. I suppose there was a time when you had to actually know something to be interviewed for radio or television about it. But now you just need an "opinion".
This is of course not as big a problem as mogul owned mass media channels that are actually just entertainment/propaganda masquerading as news - Fox-News probably being the most well known example - but it needs adjusting none the less.
Ah, don't worry about it. The world's full of assholes, and you don't actually strike me as one. Pointing out the truth is going to piss people off, they're going to say stupid, annoying shit, and you're just going to have to ignore it. When you shine a light on cockroaches, you're going to see a lot of cockroaches. I just made that up. I don't know if it actually makes sense, but I like the sound of it. Good luck.
Praxis is welcome news! Your have a great mind and platform - it is heartening that you hear the call to action. While 'asshole' may be somewhat apropos, I also think the term is overly vague. My takeaway from your writing is: respect should be earned, not freely given, and likewise engaging in good faith is only effective when it's symmetrical. Combine that with the fierce determination to stand up for what is right (damn the torpedos!) sounds much closer to a warrior or fighter. So fight on and please keep recruiting others into the cognitive resistance. ❤️
Ok, but you’re MY asshole, our asshole, and not an orifice but something I’m stitching onto my sleeve. Thanks, asshole.
Musk, Trump, and Vance are assholes. On the scale of assholery you don't hold a candle to any one of them.
I am reminded that the father of Gestalt Psychotherapy, Fritz Perls, as he was honing his craft at the Esalen Institute, would invite members from the community to sit in an outer ring. Esalen was in Big Sur, CA, a fairly conservative area, so that Esalen would invite members of the community to witness what was happening there. Fritz was one of the first therapists to routinely use the word, "fuck" during therapy. At one particular session, an elderly lady in the outer ring would titter, every time he uttered that word. Fritz tried to ignore her, but finally gave up, saying in his deep baritone voice, "Just what is it with you, Madame?" She tittered some more and said, "Oh... I am just not used to hearing such words." Fritz sighed and said, "Forgive me madame, - for not calling a spade a 'garden implement.'"
Through reading this I have come to realize, I haven't been enough of an asshole.
Me too!!!
Your writing is oxygen in the middle of a fire storm that is consuming all the air we have to breath. Your voice is one that gathers energy to it. We the people can do this, but such rallying points are energizing and supportive of our work. Keep up the god work.
Well I meant to say good work!
It might be both!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being called, or calling yourself an asshole. I wear that monitor proudly!
Is it time for acts of civil disobedience? Sit ins, strikes, blockades, etc.? I certainly think so. It's hard to be patient when I see America being dismantled and sold for parts by the minute, literally.
You mean, like, it would be bad if people were to, say, go to a particular department of education website called the "End DEI Portal" -- that was created in order to report examples of "divisive ideologies and indoctrination" in public schools so that the DOE can follow up and investigate -- and flood it with thousands of bogus reports so that the tool becomes effectively useless for its intended purpose? Like, we shouldn't do things like THAT, should we?
I feel like protesting, but how soon will the cops be instructed to turn on protesters with rubber bullets, water cannons and truncheons, and haul us off to prison?
Don't jump to Plan B until Plan A fails us.
Perhaps an Army of Shadows would be safer and more effective than mass gatherings.
Or both. No need, at least currently, to do just one.
I am totally in alignment with your logic. I have become this myself after a lifetime civility and compassion. Harsher times call for harsher action and language.
Last night when a member of the Democratic Central Committee of a nearby county had cut me off with "put it writing," I answered him with "fuck off," having driven an hour through the mountains to teach politics to this Very Important Person.
I am pleased to have my answer as consistent with an iterated Prisoners Dilemma. Restacking!
Keep on!
Circumstantial realities force me to agree with you and start googling for my nearest gun store. Now's the time we're gonna need an aggressive alternative to polite discourse. It's fucking over.
I would have no problem brewing a special kind of democracy tea for Putin to drink!
The comfortable and complacent lack of situational awareness in our current situation requires us to make some noise.
Thank you for this article. We are kindred spirits. I often tell people who threaten me when I stand up to them (and, I have, more than once, risked my safety and had my life threatened for doing so), "Life's a bitch, and then there's me." I'm content with being difficult when freedom, safety, and other's well-being are on the line. All of the above and more are on the line with the hostile takeover of our Democracy. We are not called to be nice to tyrants when we are called to be warriors against their tyranny and oppression.