It is just like what 'cancel culture' does, to use the rhetoric of the politics of wokeness, when they talk about "un- or de-platforming" someone...! How eerily ironic, eh!

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but now it is the other way around, and they are crying

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He makes a point of dismissing stupidity. That question was not designed to gain information but to create division. It was rightly dismissed.

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One of foibles of us humans is the tendency to judge another's character or behaviour using their own beliefs/expectations, often in an unconscious way, rather than to attempt to take an objective stance. That is, we tend to assess others using our own inbuilt 'filters' that have accrued over the course of our life. A more objective approach may be, in the case where we judge another's behaviour to be outside of what we believe to be 'normal' or 'acceptable' is to use some measure/s that have over time been defined and accepted in our society as reasonable tools for assessment. In looking at human behaviour many of these tools/measures are found in the professions of psychology and psychiatry. For example, In the case of Donald Trump one could draw on the defined condition of narcissism, which is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) published by the American Psychiatric Association. Once you obtain an understanding of this particular mental disorder you will realise that he is an absolutely appropriate candidate for the job he was chosen to perform, chosen not by eligible citizens but by that group of powerful individuals who have come to rule the USA by dint of financial wealth and therefore the ready ability to 'buy' and control the politicians that are, or will be, positioned to obtain what they (the powerful) want. Of course, this is not unique in history. The difference now is that the power is now ultimate and what we are witnessing is the 'corporatisation' of the USA and the implementation of the British feudal system, this time not based on on the restricted ownership of land but on the restricted ownership of the technology that is already being used to control our lives. Is it too late to revolt? Probably.

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This is deeply frustrating and happens in mundane daily settings a lot too. People who are in pain and even though they might be in a doctor’s office or the hospital the lack of empathy and concern can feel like they are being invalidated. Psychiatric diagnosis is also a tool for labeling people in a way that silences and negates their own experience, which if it was instead validated and they were given gentle supports would result in better outcomes in many situations. The relationships between children and parents, students and teachers, workers and their bosses are often settings where authority figures use their power to set the terms.

You are right when you say that it is a threat to the idea of shared meaning and shared understanding. However the roots are deep and it is something we are experiencing more. It has gotten to the level where it is less like brazen lying then out and out insanity

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poignant and infuriatingly true

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