Next we'll find out it is stored in the public toilet at Mar-a-Lago.

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Trump is mentally and intellectually disabled. He can't form or express logical thoughts without help, which I suspect he has a lot of, watching from the wings of every public appearance. He is incapable of of understanding "The Declaration of Independence" as anything more than a trophy.

I understand this is small consolation.

I don't see anything positive in any of his actions. I hoped, after his first reign, that his depravity would bring so much shame that no one would be able to take him seriously again. So much for hope.

I know we have a history of serious wrong doing, particularly the last 50 years. What goes around comes around.

Corporate priorities pushed us into war after war. We destroyed the lives and economic systems of millions through globalization. We have been the bully on the hill. Trump et.al. is the result of a society that runs on blind selfishness, declaring self-interest is a virtue of freedom.

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When placed in the context of which it was written there is a general and historic understanding that Jefferson et al were claiming their right to dissolve their allegiance to King George having identified his government as corrupt and its actions tyrannical. We as a nation have since issuance of the Declaration understood it in this context and embracing it as a liberal declaration of human rights upon which the King had trampled, those being the pursuit of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. The Constitution ratified some twelve years later embodied that liberal spirit of government. Trump and his acolytes have taken the very same words and essentially flipped them on its head perversely believing that they are the ones now dissolving a damaged relationship that has stripped them of their rights.

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

While most of us throughout our history have looked upon these words as the beginning of the American experiment Trump and his use the exact same words as justification for seizing the government away from the governed, “organizing its powers” to facilitate such seizure for the ultimate purpose of best affecting “their Safety and Happiness”. That their safety and happiness is not that of the governed as a whole seems lost on Trump et al not to mention the basic purpose of the Declaration in the first place.

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He’s got a new toy. And when he’s bored showing it off he’ll throw it in the trash can. It’s a trophy of conquest, a severed head. He’s a dictator taking shape in plain sight.

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Just as the documents left in the White House were appropriated by Trump after his first

administration didn't belong to him, the Declaration of Independence also does not belong to him. It belongs to all the people of the United States, and should remain in the Archives.

What he did is criminal

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Important and timely writing. I'm just wondering about the 'two plus two equals four' quote which was a kind of motif for Ayn Rand (repeated frequently in Atlas Shrugged at least)?

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It's only logical. If you're going to tear up a document you have to get your hands on it first.

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I believe it is just a copy. He initially requested the original, but all sources I’ve read say it’s just a copy. An old copy, but a copy.

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But is it the real document or a copy?

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Put Nicholas Cage on the case.

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The hollow patriotism of the MAGAs means they could never understand how inappropriate and insulting this is.

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I experience fear of what T might do to our precious document written by the founding fathers of our country. Will he respect it? He hasn’t so far. Does he think it’s now his personal possession? Does he want to destroy it along with its history? Does he want to destroy it because it’s in his way and hindering his perception of what it means to be the President of the United States and what he thinks he’s allowed to do? I shiver with worry and concern.

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