This is, after all, a philosophy blog.
Okay, so. Hi. My name's Mike Brock. Here's the thing. I went to see the Doctor. Not just any Doctor. The Doctor. Of Logic and Coherence, being the great elixirs for the affliction of Lies, and for the Restoration of Truth. And do you know what I found? I found that I don't suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. That's the good news.
The bad news? Reality itself is deranged.
You see, there's a peculiar inversion happening in our discourse. Those who maintain fidelity to consistent principles, who apply the same standards regardless of political alignment, who insist that words have meaning and actions have consequences—these people are now labeled as suffering from a syndrome. A derangement. A pathology.
Meanwhile, those who contort themselves into logical pretzels, who abandon previously sacred principles with casual ease, who accept contradictions that would make Orwell blush—these are supposedly the clear-eyed realists. The pragmatists. The sane ones.
The Doctor of Logic and Coherence has a different diagnosis.
When you notice that threatening to abandon NATO allies unless they “pay their bills” contradicts decades of American security doctrine, that's not derangement—that's pattern recognition. When you observe that withdrawing from military exercises in Europe creates a vacuum that adversaries will eagerly fill, that's not partisan hysteria—that's cause-and-effect reasoning. When you point out that conditioning collective defense on financial contributions transforms an alliance into a protection racket, that's not emotional overreaction—that's definitional clarity.
The true derangement would be normalizing the abnormal. Accepting the unacceptable. Calling coherence “derangement” and calling derangement “strategic genius.”
There's a reason Logic and Coherence are the physicians of truth. They don't care about your political preferences. They don't bend to personality or power. They simply ask: Does this make sense? Does this hold together? Does this remain consistent across contexts?
Apply these questions to our current moment, and the diagnosis becomes clear. The patient isn't those who express alarm at alarming developments. The patient is our collective capacity to distinguish sense from nonsense, consistency from contradiction, principle from expediency.
This isn't about partisanship. The same standards must apply regardless of who holds power. The same logical rules must govern our assessment of all policies, all leaders, all proposals. The moment we abandon this consistency, we abandon the possibility of meaningful discourse altogether.
The Doctor of Logic and Coherence doesn't prescribe blind opposition or reflexive support. The prescription is simpler: Hold the line on meaning itself. Refuse the invitation to make exceptions for power. Maintain the stubborn insistence that two plus two still equals four, even when saying so gets you labeled as deranged.
Because here's what they don't tell you about so-called “Trump Derangement Syndrome”: it's a linguistic weapon designed to short-circuit critical thinking. It transforms the rational application of consistent standards into a psychological disorder. It pathologizes coherence itself.
This is gaslighting on a grand scale. When enough people accept that noticing contradictions, inconsistencies, and norm violations is a form of derangement, then truth itself becomes negotiable. Reality becomes whatever power says it is. And that is the prelude to something far darker than partisan disagreement.
The Doctor's prescription is straightforward but demanding: Maintain your grip on reality even when reality itself seems to be losing its grip. Remember that the principles that mattered yesterday still matter today, regardless of who benefits from them or who abandons them. Recognize that coherence isn't a luxury but a necessity—the immune system of a healthy society.
I don't suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. I suffer from an inability to pretend that incoherence is coherent, that lies are truth, that betrayal is loyalty, that weakness is strength. If that's a syndrome, then perhaps we need more of it, not less.
The Doctor of Logic and Coherence has one final recommendation: Find others who still believe in the healing power of consistency, of principle, of truth that doesn't bend to power. Because in times of mass confusion, clarity is found not in isolation but in community. Not in retreat but in connection. Not in surrender but in the shared commitment to reality itself.
Remember what's real. Hold the center. Push back the flood.
And know that you're not the one who's deranged.
Slandered and abused
Beaten, bruised, but still fighting
For you - I am Truth
Not welcomed by all
To those who would do you harm
I’m the enemy
Behold my allies
Diverse views, skepticism
Inconvenient facts
My foes tell their flocks
“Others will lie to you. I’ll
tell you what to think!”
They’re threatened by me
Their power comes from closed minds
Anger, fear and hate
They will convince you
You didn’t see what you saw
Or hear what you heard
They will vilify
Shout-down, demean and malign
Those who speak for me
Trust your eyes and ears
Trust your power to reason
Trust I am there, but …
May be obscure. There’s
not always a smoking gun.
Sometimes, only smoke
But connect the dots
The proof is in the picture
Yes, that’s me you see
I’ve nothing to hide
I can stand your scrutiny
Because I am Truth
©2020 HHThorpe. All rights reserved.
> "The patient is our collective capacity to distinguish sense from nonsense, consistency from contradiction, principle from expediency."
Well, you certainly start out well, particularly with that. Entirely consistent with the "age-old" principle -- at least since the 12th century -- of "from contradiction, anything follows" [Latin: ex falso [sequitur] quodlibet]:
However, I think you sort of snatch defeat from the jaws of victory when you insist that the US "threatening to abandon NATO allies unless they “pay their bills' " somehow qualifies as a "protection racket". You might have had a point if that was followed shortly thereafter by Luigi, or Ivan, popping into France to break Pierre's kneecaps.
Seems rather clear from that Telegraph article that most of the other NATO countries are falling far short of their contractual obligations. The US is paying some $900 billion for the upkeep of their military whereas all of the other NATO countries are apparently paying, together, only $500 billion:
Telegraph: "Mr. Trump has repeatedly criticised NATO countries for not meeting the current goal of spending two per cent of GDP on defense, arguing that the disparity puts an unfair burden on the United States."
One might reasonably decry what is apparently a waste -- should be beating at least some of those swords into plowshares -- but, given those contracts, one might reasonably argue that the US and Trump might well have a point, some reason to be somewhat "peeved".