Sorry, but why the shock and dismay over libertarians? It's not as if the morals, ethics and logic of the American Libertarian movement (and it's various flavors like Ayn Rand) hasn't been bankrupt for at least 100 years. For me, it became obvious when "libertarians" when hard right for 'guns, god & anti-abortion" in the 70's. It's only gotten worse. Their "small government" drumbeat is a red herring - only "small" in the sense of no support for personal rights if they conflicted with far right notions of "personal liberty." Where were they in support of women's right to choose? Gay rights, and now Trans rights? Civil discourse? Truth in government? Balancing rights (like when do your rights end when they infringe mine)? On every level, they have nothing to offer except capitulation to the rich and powerful...or fignure out how to lie steal and cheat to become one of them.
You sound old. I don’t mean that disrespectfully. But globally there’s 385,000 babies born every day, and every single one of them deserves to learn a suite of lessons at some point along their life, including this condemnation of Lbertarianism, via a torch passed from one communicator to the next. It will be new for them, and old for us; we need only keep scrolling in agreeance.
I was there today as well. Thank you for this excellent post.
Reason. The very title is false advertising. Caveat lector.
Sorry, but why the shock and dismay over libertarians? It's not as if the morals, ethics and logic of the American Libertarian movement (and it's various flavors like Ayn Rand) hasn't been bankrupt for at least 100 years. For me, it became obvious when "libertarians" when hard right for 'guns, god & anti-abortion" in the 70's. It's only gotten worse. Their "small government" drumbeat is a red herring - only "small" in the sense of no support for personal rights if they conflicted with far right notions of "personal liberty." Where were they in support of women's right to choose? Gay rights, and now Trans rights? Civil discourse? Truth in government? Balancing rights (like when do your rights end when they infringe mine)? On every level, they have nothing to offer except capitulation to the rich and powerful...or fignure out how to lie steal and cheat to become one of them.
You sound old. I don’t mean that disrespectfully. But globally there’s 385,000 babies born every day, and every single one of them deserves to learn a suite of lessons at some point along their life, including this condemnation of Lbertarianism, via a torch passed from one communicator to the next. It will be new for them, and old for us; we need only keep scrolling in agreeance.
You have hit every aspect of the Libertarians downfall. They are dam close to being Traitors now.
Moreover the bits of government which go will be the programmes that help people and resources will be diverted into those agencies that oppress them.
Dude, don't worry we're all going to be so disgustingly rich, it's not even going to matter 📈
Excellent but frightening. How do you overcome this “mentality”?
Astounding analysis, sharp as a razor.
Very nicely reasoned and written, Mike! Thank you. The experience sounds harrowing; I'm glad you're okay.
I think the ends justify the means if their deregulation fantasy manifests.