Like millions of others, I work in corporate America and am not at all surprised that exactly zero people are talking about any of this least not at work. We basically all have coveted salaried jobs, good bennies, mortgages, college loans, kids in school, Drs appointments, and marriages that need work... we keep our heads down and carry on like it's just another day. So, when I bring up techno-fascism at lunch, I get blank stares - or worse, mock profundities about corrupt, inefficient gobt and how it's way past due a good diarrhetic. I suppose, among those who might agree with me, that democracy is worth saving, there's just no time to squeeze in a revolution... and we think we can't afford it, we're all too leveraged and just hoping like hell someone else will do something because exiting this world and joining the revolution is fucking terrifying ...especially if there's a good chance it won't even matter. So, I guess an overwhelming majority of us will just wait until the shit hits the fan close enough that we can really taste it...and then we'll take our turn blaming whomever ...and by then it will be far too late. And I'm certainly not riding any high horse here - I have no clue how to effectively mount a resistance to any of this reading Mike Brok and HCR. Any useful ideas that didn't involve getting fired?
Yes, a very good question. It's strange to recall the justified outrage world wide about George Floyd's murder but when the country and world are at far more risk not much other than us writers are raising a voice. As a life long Democrat I feel immense disappointment at the whole fiasco of Biden and his apologists basically handing this election (and country) to the demented King Don who is apparently a figurehead for the tech oligarchy to launch their coup. Either we need urgently to construct a new political party or rebuild without the corporate democrats of the past. It may already be too late but it's all we've got.
Economic power and political power fusion is the match lighting the fire of authoritarianism. The majority on the SC knew what they were doing by ruling in Citizens United in 2010 that corporations, which have the same rights as individual persons - free speech among them - can spend as much money as they wish on political candidates and parties. The spigot exploded. Politicians are completely beholden to corporations, all of them. Enter Project 2025 type authors in think tanks and organizations, many set up decades ago, to specifically end public control of government; and to privatize every single government function. Oligarchy, rule by private corporate billionaires, is the result. Cement the economic power with political power, and the end of democracy is inevitable. Thank you for summarizing this critical point so well, Mike.
To hear Amy Klobuchar say she hopes there are some Republican Senators that will start to vote with Democrats for blocking Trump’s advances gutted me. It seems to me our leaders just started to read Project 2025 last week when they should have seen all of this coming years ago from the intelligence briefings they supposedly sit in on.
Our elected millionaires have absolutely no clue how Americans feel now.
Like millions of others, I work in corporate America and am not at all surprised that exactly zero people are talking about any of this least not at work. We basically all have coveted salaried jobs, good bennies, mortgages, college loans, kids in school, Drs appointments, and marriages that need work... we keep our heads down and carry on like it's just another day. So, when I bring up techno-fascism at lunch, I get blank stares - or worse, mock profundities about corrupt, inefficient gobt and how it's way past due a good diarrhetic. I suppose, among those who might agree with me, that democracy is worth saving, there's just no time to squeeze in a revolution... and we think we can't afford it, we're all too leveraged and just hoping like hell someone else will do something because exiting this world and joining the revolution is fucking terrifying ...especially if there's a good chance it won't even matter. So, I guess an overwhelming majority of us will just wait until the shit hits the fan close enough that we can really taste it...and then we'll take our turn blaming whomever ...and by then it will be far too late. And I'm certainly not riding any high horse here - I have no clue how to effectively mount a resistance to any of this reading Mike Brok and HCR. Any useful ideas that didn't involve getting fired?
Yes, a very good question. It's strange to recall the justified outrage world wide about George Floyd's murder but when the country and world are at far more risk not much other than us writers are raising a voice. As a life long Democrat I feel immense disappointment at the whole fiasco of Biden and his apologists basically handing this election (and country) to the demented King Don who is apparently a figurehead for the tech oligarchy to launch their coup. Either we need urgently to construct a new political party or rebuild without the corporate democrats of the past. It may already be too late but it's all we've got.
Economic power and political power fusion is the match lighting the fire of authoritarianism. The majority on the SC knew what they were doing by ruling in Citizens United in 2010 that corporations, which have the same rights as individual persons - free speech among them - can spend as much money as they wish on political candidates and parties. The spigot exploded. Politicians are completely beholden to corporations, all of them. Enter Project 2025 type authors in think tanks and organizations, many set up decades ago, to specifically end public control of government; and to privatize every single government function. Oligarchy, rule by private corporate billionaires, is the result. Cement the economic power with political power, and the end of democracy is inevitable. Thank you for summarizing this critical point so well, Mike.
“…mistake their chains for jewelry.” WOW well said.
Thank you! Your essays have completely opened my eyes, and brain.
To hear Amy Klobuchar say she hopes there are some Republican Senators that will start to vote with Democrats for blocking Trump’s advances gutted me. It seems to me our leaders just started to read Project 2025 last week when they should have seen all of this coming years ago from the intelligence briefings they supposedly sit in on.
Our elected millionaires have absolutely no clue how Americans feel now.
But, where are the people?
Struggling to survive.