I’m stunned. Completely stunned. It just kept getting worse and worse and Zelenskyy held up he really did but those fuckers had it out for him. They wanted to maximize his humiliation. Well they maximized their own. What are we going to do??? This is crazy crazy stuff. It feels so deeply scary. Can’t kumbaya out of this one tonight. Maybe tomorrow. I’m so glad and grateful that I can come here and let all my fear out. Nobody around me wants to talk about it. I guess there’s nothing to say really except I’m scared too. Kumbaya anyway everybody ♥️

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I just called Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and that traitor, Rep Elise Stefanik, about this meeting and how the time for talking and rhetoric is over. Don’t know what good it will do. I’m marching on March 4th also.

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I feel exactly the same, and I feel in the upside down, because people do not get it or do not want to admit to the awfulness of the situation and are unwilling to talk about it. This only makes it worse. I came here as I was sure I could find some rationality. Thanks

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And to you. Everyone who undtands should get a good sleep, have a hard think, decide wtat to do and take first steps. This ain't Netflix.

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It’s time to take it to the streets.

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Anyone who does not understand we are being force marched into WWIII is willfully blind and voluntarily ignorant. Deep State Donnie ran on an anti war platform, but placed the ring through his sheeple’s noses and is leading the masses to slaughter.

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Look: if the war against Russia doesn’t matter enough for Europe, the ones actually on the same continent, to get off its armchair, then it doesn’t actually matter.

All of this is alarmist nonsense

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It doesn’t matter if you’re on the same continent anymore, dummy

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Trump has always been a Russian asset and always will be. He was going to sell Ukraine out from the get go. Europe has to step in now if they want to keep Putin out of Poland, Romania and Latvia. The world just realigned dramatically.

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This isn't hyperbole. This isn't alarmism. I didn't want my tax dollars going to this poser. I am SICK of my tax dollars going to Zelensky's pockets. We've given and given and given to Ukraine. It's not a winnable war. Period. It's a meatgrinder like Vietnam that needs to come to an end. I am SO proud of President Trump and VP Vance! We aren't going to be run roughshod over anymore. They are already working to impeach Zelensky. New leadership is needed and get this disrespectful, and may I say, creepy - actor out of the way!

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You seem very confused, with all due respect.

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I'll be more clear than the other responses - you're an absolute idiot if you actually believe what you wrote.

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Joe. I’m laughing at your blunt response. That’s pretty clear. Thanks for the chuckle. They seem few and far between these days.

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Ha thanks. It came from the heart!

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When is he planning to put his ass or his kids in the trenches in the Donets ?

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Susan Harris….You show a total lack of knowledge and understanding, with all due respect.

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We could do with more Susan’s

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Really embarrassed for you, Susan.

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This opinion seems delusional imo. Ukraine could definitely 'win' with enough aid. I also understand that USA is not so much giving money, but supplying (out dated) arms. This is a win/win situation whereby Ukraine fights a war on behalf of the 'free world', which if Russia wins, will endanger the whole world including USA. Trump is in Putin's pocket and is, unfortunately, like a rampaging bull smashing democracy. If you don't believe me, wait around and see. It won't take long before the USA is economically and socially destroyed by the Trump administration. Just look at the firings, the dismantled medicare, the stock exchange! Trump is a dangerous, narcissistic sociopath and sadly, so is his immediate adviser, Musk. Vance is an immoral opportunist. Intelligent Republicans supporting Trump are morally bankrupt or extremely gullible imo. And the facts appear to agree with me on that!

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“Ukraine could definitely win with enough aid.” Sorry. Russia is Russia, and would not lose irrespective of the amount of aid—unless, of course, they felt threatened enough and then it would go nuclear—and nobody would win.

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Excellent, Mr. Brock. Time to pull out all the stops

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Apart from the situation in Ukraine, Trump's behavior in front of a diverse group of journalists is proof, if any more were needed, that he is unfit for office and, beyond that, barely able to control himself. He has made less and less sense every time he has appeared in public, but this latest infantile tirade is simply not acceptable in a person who purports to represent the United States. J.D. Vance has degenerated into a Trumpian mini-me, a sad-eyed lap dog, who licks his master's hand and tries to anticipate his more egregious utterances. These men are not just unfit to serve in the White House, they should not be allowed to be seen in public. So the question now is when and how will the more responsible members of government act? How long must we be subjected to this clown show?

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I agree with you in regards to Trump. He seems very senile and may have lost his mind at this point.

Vance, on the other hand, knows exactly what he's doing. It's a very calculated plan.

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You are right. It could have been a calculated blow-up. Trump's allegiance appears to be to Vladimir Putin- who knows for what reason? He may have sabotaged the connection to Ukraine to have an excuse for writing the Ukrainians off. In any case, it was a disgraceful and humiliating performance--at least for most Americans. Trump does not have the judgment, restraint or brains to be the man in charge of deciding whether the world engages in a nuclear war. He is a danger to himself and to the public. The antidote should be Congress, but the current Congress appears to be asleep.

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Worse than asleep. Without principle and thus without courage.

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Again, I agree with everything you said. But the reason Trump is loyal to Putin is because he is either a Russian asset (codenamed "Krasnov"), or he is simply compromised somehow (the Russians have dirt on him, such as the notorious "pee tape"). He's too dumb to be an actual spy or something like that. But he seems to have SOME reason.

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Another explanation is that authoritarians will reciprocate with one another to further their domestic control. Eurasia and Oceania (1984) never intended to defeat one another because perpetual war was of benefit to their respective authoritarian leaders. This could be why MAGA cannon says there is no such thing as Russian troll farms despite them being well-documented.

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Or the reason is that it’s merely a persistent delusion on your part. Or that like russiagate it’s just a lie by the “democratic” party and their supporters.

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The first thing I thought when Vance opened up his yap was his desire to not only publicly ingratiate himself with Trump and MAGA voters (the latter for a future presidential run), but to simply be seen. He has been seriously sidelined by Musk, becoming a VP who is invisible and inconsequential. I guess, though, despite his Yale education, he just couldn't foresee that his behavior in his very public Oval Office foray would result in him being seen as a twit.

Gotta disagree with you on Trump. I don't think he's senile, I think he's just the same intellectually lazy and incurious dumbass, just a bit older.

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Yeah, I could see Trump being senile but also he's been so frickin dumb for so long it's hard to see when someone like that declines mentally.

Mike wrote about the "Network State" movement, I'd recommend you read it and check out some videos on the project. Vance is a key player and is working hand-in-hand with Musk. At least, from what I've read.

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Will do, thank you!

And yes, so hard to suss out mental issues with Trump. Wouldn't want to be his neurologist.

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Ha! Me neither

And you got it! 😊

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4 more years!

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When I read history, especially the horrors we inflict on each other, I wonder "If I was alive then what would I have done?"

This is the time to live it as all our actions are critical now.

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“Sovereign nation” begging for money and military backing.

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Ukraine's survival is NOT the USA's problem. The American Workers' money belongs in their pockets; not the Dems and not the criminal Zelensky. If he's serious about saving his country, he'll liquidate all of his many assets(how does the president of a country who, at most, was a D-list comedian acquire dozens of homes and hundreds of millions of dollars?) and step down as Ukrainian "president". And all of the Ukraining "warriors" on the Internet can climb off of their keyboards, go overseas and fight some Russians. Beyond that, it's Ukraine's problem, not the American worker's.

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The cure is closer than we think. And if a paradigm shift is needed, start with your own. Begin by rethinking your relationship with money—it’s time to adopt a new way of interacting with it on a personal level.

Money is the lifeblood of society, the means by which people transfer their energy. Don’t surrender that power to others—it’s your responsibility to control it.

Not your keys — not your coins

You know what to do (c)

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I’m sitting, alone in a chilly workshop, and applauding loudly.

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You don’t know what the word “sovereign” means

Under no definition of the word is Ukraine “sovereign”

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A satrapy is the appropriate term.

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Give any thought to Zelenskyy bailing on the tentative deal he agreed to, which was the basis of the meeting to begin with? No? It’s all Trump’s fault? Your bias is showing.

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