We the People greatly outnumber the criminals, nazis and fascists in OUR White House. We the People must take back our country. Numbers matter.

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Yah, so first off, THANK YOU Mike Brock for presenting well constructed, articulate, commentary on the current state of affairs. Thoughtful and provocative.

Where are We The People? They, along with their so called leaders, wilfully ignore all that history has to teach us. Demagogues from Caesar to Hitler have risen on the same playbook.

And so we’ve arrived at; We The People “have a busy life to get on with – it’s so patently obvious - someone else will sort this out”, or “We believe this will be a brief, perhaps painful, societal correction that has become necessary in what’s manifestly an over permissive society” - or – “We endorsed with our vote, and support these actions, because we believe we’ve been left behind and now this will benefit us”.

Mr. Brock’s arguments do a brilliant job in laying bare the glaring issues en-train; No viable political opposition to provide checks & balances. Instead, we have adversarial opponents, treating each other as enemies to be thwarted, rather than seeking to benefit the electorate. And, we have arrived at the construct of a precarious world, which sorely requires Statesmen to undo the Gordian knots we’ve effected - but all we have are self aggrandising demagogues posing as leaders.

What do you think we should do now???

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If the judge does not jail or fine someone at this afternoon's hearing, then we are no longer a nation of laws.

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I'm sure I'm not the only one cynical enough to wonder how long it will be before the Trump regime just lines people up against the nearest wall and shoots them, if only because a bullet is faster and cheaper, so more "efficient" than deporting and/or warehousing in prisons anybody Trump wakes up deciding is "bad." It's not a huge leap, sadly.

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That time is coming, perhaps sooner than most of us could ever have imagined.

Others will either be charged with serious but spurious crimes to drain their wealth through legal fees.

Perhaps other enemies of the state will simply have their bank accounts drained.

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They want to save money so they will quickly decide to revert to using gas chambers. After all, it is known to be an efficient and cost-effective technique for mass murder.

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Except, private prisons make oodles of money off of detainees. I fear death is a better outcome than being forced to work in a tr^mp sweatshop making cheap Am^zon products.

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For the benefit of a non-American not educated in all of the US’s political and various police forces, what role do US Marshalls play in this scenario? I thought they “shall” enforce court orders (albeit at the whim of Pam Bondi)?

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We entered into a constitutional crisis when #47 defied 2 court orders. The AG, VP and other republicans have stated that #47 doesn’t have to obey judicial orders. I believe that they will increase the speed of their coup to counter any attempt to stop them. We really know very little about who actually has read/write access to the vast federal databases. Also, financial controls have been erased and possibly public funds are being diverted. It’s also been reported that Russian spies are operating within the White House. The republicans want to spread Fear and thwart protests and dissent. At present, they are winning and speeding toward implementation of project 2025 and a kleptocracy run by a tyrant that is based upon fascism. All will be lost by summer, I expect. I don’t know how they can be stopped. Several brave democrats are speaking out. I will not be surprised if they are arrested for treason. I remain hopeful and am engaged with others who are protesting. However, our numbers are small. The DOJ, courts , etc are being weaponized to inflict harm to all those who dissent. I hope I’m wrong, but every that I predicted in July 2025 is being implemented. Thanks again for your thoughtful comments.

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It’s terrible but should not be a surprise. This suspension of the constitution under the guise of a purported emergency is a continuation of the suspension in the name of the so-called COVID emergency, which was started by Trump and continued by Biden. Everyone who supported the Covid tyranny had contributed to the current variant.

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I have to call bullshit on this. Pandemics are situations that are not constrained by politics. If our legal frameworks and institutions do not have sufficient alignment to deal with the biological realities of a pandemic, then the legal frameworks and institutions need to be updated.

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That’s a roundabout way of claiming that the constitution contains a pandemic exemption, which it does not, and that it can be suspended in the name of supposed health.

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Every country, and many states within countries, conducted "a hundred and one" different experiments on how to deal with COVID, many of them disastrously (especially the USA) *because* we weren't prepared as a society - medically, or legally, or even in having a shared sense of responsibility to each other's well-being - to deal with such an event that transcends "but what about muh rights!".

You refer to "supposed health" in a way that suggests you were, and perhaps remain despite the mountain of evidence, a COVID denialist.

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You still haven’t pointed out where in the constitution the invocation of a “health emergency” allows its suspension. As you probably know, there’s no such place. But then don’t be so shocked when the “other” side uses the same logic, say with an “invasion” of fentanyl, to suspend the constitution.

Instead of actual legal arguments, you provide unsupported claims and even invoke “denialist,” a term of propaganda concocted in Pharma marketing laboratories, with its skillful but dishonest attempt at guilt-by-association with Holocaust denial.

Your method of legal judgment as a team sport, whereby abrogations of rights are good if and only if done by your team, is what is leading us over the cliff.

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I am The Executioner and I’m bringing Cosmic Justice to you

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Uh zx it’s not optional on my watch 🤬😇

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